Satellites - Youth Mobility Projects e.V. is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote international youth work and the further education of youth workers and those who work with young people. The members of our NGO are youth workers, project coordinators, volunteers and researchers. 


  • ​We organise and host transnational projects such as youth exchanges and trainings of professionals in Europe.
  • We bring together and connect youth and youth workers to provide educational and intercultural experiences.
  • ​We advise and help organisations and individuals who want to implement an international youth project.
  • We are a sending organisation for projects of our partners and prepare our participants adequately for it.

Les publications du partenaire

Teilnehmende gesucht: Trainingskurs "Blocks2Build" in La Rochelle, Frankreich (02.- 08.November 2024) - Ausschreibung

Vorschau LaRochelle.png

Du möchtest lernen, wie du pädagogische Projekte mit und für Jugendliche effektiv planst und umsetzt? Dann ist der Trainingskurs Blocks2Build genau...

Vorschau svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D''%20viewBox%3D'0%200%201%201'%2F%3E


Satellites - Youth Mobility Projects e.V.

04105 Leipzig
Sachsen (Saxony)



Pamela Eugenia Bran Aguilar